Author: marketing.manager

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Key approaches to minimising cyber crime impacts in 2021

Key approaches to minimising cyber crime impacts in 2021 The cybersecurity territory has changed substantially in just a few years. The realities of cyber crime in 2021 are vastly different than in 2018 – and they are generating a whole new approach to effective cybersecurity. We see 6 key adaptive responses emerging in response to

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Care and Community Collective Cyber Defence Webinar

We have completed the ‘Protecting the Data of Australia’s Most Vulnerable Citizens Together – Collective Defence for the Care & Community Sector” webinar on May 19, 2021. Hear from others in the Care and Community sector who have started the journey of Collective Cyber Defence to look after their staff, clients and the most vulnerable

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The Care and Community Collective Cyber Defence June 2021 Wrap Up

How does the security landscape affect the care and community sector in Australia? Here are the full discussion about cybersecurity between Greg Clarkson from Network Overdrive and IronNet’s Joel Bork and Paul Davidson  Hear the experts talk about Iron Dome that helps to nurture cybersecurity in Australia for the care and community sector. Video Transcription 0:09   

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Finding an IT Service Provider that is “just right” for the community services sector

How Network Overdrive and Fletcher IT combined to have a sustainable IT Services for the Care and Community Sector That came out of our founder Greg Clarkson’s decade of work in the for-purpose sector – before:  the Internet attracted him into IT with its power to aid communication and   the vision of the community benefits

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11 Reasons Why Companies Should Outsource Their IT Support Services

Technology is the number one force changing the face of business. Constantly evolving and adaptive technology transforms the way companies function, perhaps nowhere more so than in the field of sales and marketing. Businesses that hope to compete are in a constant race to evolve and adopt these technologies before the technology becomes irrelevant, lest

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Celebrating 21st Anniversary with Michael Perdicakis

Video Transcription [0:00:01-0:02:50] I’ve got a background setting can you believe it how you doing it runs good he can’t complain good to see you if you example of doctors at the hospital. Rogers specialist with such a significant investment in tools if you guys to a local dentist will I have 102 102 dentist

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Compliance Visibility: Do you have clients wanting more from your IT?

Have you been hit with a letter from your client asking to explain your IT? Need to constantly assure them that your infrastructure is mature and secure? Lost a prospective client because you couldn’t prove your compliance? IT compliance visibility is becoming increasingly important for clients today. Your customers have spent a lot of time

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Collective Cyber Defense for the Care & Community Sector

Brett Williams. Brett is a co-founder of IronNet and the Chief Operating Officer. In this position he supports strategic planning and oversees business process management and performance metrics. He serves as a thought leader in both cybersecurity and leadership. A highly experienced combat fighter pilot, General Williams held several significant command positions during his 33-year

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Compliance Visibility: What your clients now expect?

Are you prepared for the new era of transparent IT compliance? When: Tuesday April 13th at 11:00 am (AEST) Where: Private Zoom Meeting The compliance visibility wave is coming and soon clients will require all of their current and potential suppliers to provide assurance statements of the quality and security of their IT infrastructures. Join

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