Archiving (AaaS)

Network Overdrive offers Archiving as a Service (AaaS) to ensure your network runs as fast and fluidly as possible.
Your archived data when you need it. Archive, manage, access and retrieve your data when you need it: out of sight, but not out of mind.
Network Overdrive can assist you in optimising your IT resources and deciding which of your data should be archived. If you have records belonging to old clients or dating back years that you know you’ll need to access someday, but not in the foreseeable future, archiving could be the answer.
Certain organisations are required by law to retain records (a patient’s medical history, or client invoices, for example). These records weigh down your network’s processes, cost you money, and are a drain on IT resources.
If this sounds like you, the solution is archiving. Archived data can be accessed whenever you need it, so it’s as if the data is still in your system, but someone else is doing the heavy lifting..
What you can expect
- The latest in archiving technology
- Easy to use, store and retrieve your data when you need it
- Faster archiving processes, and faster company systems
- Data encryption and security guaranteed
- Off-site or cloud storage
- Storage solutions for companies of all sizes
- On-call expert support when you need it
1. Email Archiving and Storage Management
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- SEC 17a3/4
- NASD 310(d)3110
- PCI Compliance
2. Electronic Discovery and Litigation Support
- Dynamic case management
- Automated Data Redaction
- Wildcard, Fuzzy & Proximity Search
- Customised Legal Hold
- 3rd Party Legal/Auditor Access
- Immediate Data Retrieval
3. Regulatory Compliance and Data Immediacy
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- SEC 17a3/4
- NASD 310(d)3110
- PCI Compliance
Network Overdrive offers AaaS solutions to suit your preference, with on premise and cloud-based data storage.
Call us today to arrange a consultation and have your archiving needs taken care of.
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Here at Network Overdrive, we strive to not only help businesses uncover this lost value but also to power their profit through holistic and proactive I.T strategies. Contact us today to transform your I.T.
Contact Us
ABN: 48 087 643 687
Info: 1300 368 928
Phone: +61 (03) 9118 9610
Email: [email protected]