Author: marketing.manager

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Compliance Visibility: What your clients now expect?

Are you prepared for the new era of transparent IT compliance? When: Tuesday April 13th at 11:00 am (AEST) Where: Private Zoom Meeting The compliance visibility wave is coming and soon clients will require all of their current and potential suppliers to provide assurance statements of the quality and security of their IT infrastructures. Join

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How Managed IT Services Make Managing COVID Easier

How Managed IT Services Make Managing COVID Easier Every good business is a technology business today.   There may be some small niches that can “get by” on personal, face-to-face services. But very few businesses of substance can thrive in the 21st century without a solid technology infrastructure intentionally oriented to support innovation and business

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Harnessing the power of digital tools

Companies across the globe face myriad challenges, all of which compel them to find ways to improve efficiency in their business and treasury. Some countries suffer from sluggish economic growth and an unsettled geopolitical situation, and the prospects of a trade war between some of the world’s largest economies – the US and China –

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Finding the IT Managed Service Provider that’s “just right” for your business

Finding the IT Managed Service Provider that’s “just right” for your business Once upon a time, IT was something that the accounts people used in their back rooms to do reporting and tax returns. Invoicing happened once a week or once a month, and most of the business most of the time pretty much ignored

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Three steps to optimising your COVID-modified business

Three steps to optimising your COVID-modified business Some businesses are loving 2020 and others are cautiously relieved to see how well it has gone so far! Of course, no-one wanted the health catastrophe, nor its financial disruption or the social stress of lockdown. However, these businesses have either sustained themselves or even grown during the

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Celebrating 21st Anniversary with Darren Copper

Video Transcription Greg:   Hi, Darren, nice to see you. This is your invitation and attendance one person only to the network overdrive 21st birthday party.    Darren:   Yeah. Great to be with you. Congratulations to network overdrive for turning 21. Well, the time went quickly. Hey,    Greg:    It sure did. I spoke to

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Mergers and Acquistions – Can an IT Professional add any value

Mergers and Acquistions – Can an IT Professional Add Any Value? Speaker 1 We are having this report that will be available the link tomorrow. And I’ll put that through with the newsletter any of the accompanying slides, and thanks to Beck’s and, and others for sending through this slide. So thank you again, Greg

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Celebrating 21st Anniversary with Mark Pedersen and John Dalton

Video Transcription Greg: Recognize your involvement in 21 years of network overdrive. And I just wanted to go down a bit of a memory lane and take this as a moment to record, all of that and happy to take it. You just remember like the start, the beginning of the journey. And so, there’s a

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The Survival Phase of Pandemic Adaptation

The Survival Phase of Pandemic Adaptation COVID-19 has turned business on its head around the world. Managers of businesses large and small are facing massive challenges in adapting to just how much the world has changed in a few short months.  As technology consultants to Australian businesses, we’ve seen some patterns emerging. Some businesses are

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