Author: marketing.manager

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What Every Microsoft User Should Know About Microsoft Business Premium and Cybersecurity

At Network Overdrive, we mainly support SMEs who are Microsoft users – so getting more out of Microsoft is our core business. If you’re the person responsible for IT in your business, then this is essentially an executive briefing on how you can leverage your existing investment in Microsoft to improve your cybersecurity. We are

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Starting ISO27001 for a Better Business

DISCLAIMER:  Network Overdrive made the strategic decision to upgrade our IT accreditation goals from NIST to ISO27001 in October 2021. The process of choosing a service provider took a little while, so we got started in December 2021. This article reflects our experience after the first 3 months – but it’s been so good we

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How Could Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Increase YOUR Business Risk?

No Australian business is too small or irrelevant to not be a target of state-based cyberwarfare.  Their goal is not financial gain – it is to cause business loss and public chaos as a punishment for political decisions. Russia has been widely recognised for years as fostering global cybercrime on a truly industrial scale. In

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Avoiding the “Fringe Dweller Syndrome”

So your company is re expanding its operations out of Australia – that’s a big achievement, particularly in today’s super-volatile environment. Whether the business is opening a manufacturing plant in China, a service center in Europe, or a sales office in India, it’s an exciting step up to the global stage. However, that step will

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How We & Our Customers Survived a Cybercrime Attack

Network Overdrive has been delivering Managed IT Services in Australia for over 20 years.   In that time, we’ve seen the cybersecurity landscape change significantly – both the increased volume of attacks and the massive increase in the sophistication of those attacks.   We’ve watched as organised crime has taken over what used to be called “hacking”,

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Three gaping holes in Australia’s cybersecurity policy

Network Overdrive has been serving and protecting Australian businesses since 2000. There’s been a lot of change in those two decades – both good and bad.   Throughout those two decades we’ve had a special interest in serving the caring community – the community of caring SMBs and NFPs that state and national governments have increasingly

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Our changing technology world – and how to thrive

Our changing technology world – and how to thrive. The world has changed radically – and the IT managed services space is changing with it. The relationships between productivity, reliability, security, assurance, improvement and innovation are shifting. Then vs now When Network Overdrive began in 2000, Information Communications and Technology was a very different ball

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Three things EVERY business manager needs to know about cybersecurity and ransomware

Three things EVERY business manager needs to know about cybersecurity and ransomware As the cyber pandemic ramps up, indications are increasing that hacking is not only an organised crime activity being conducted at a global scale –hacking is a government-supported industry in countries like China and Russia. Not only have certain governments supported the hacking industry

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The Care and Community Collective Cyber Defence July 2021 Wrap Up

Video Transcription Joel 0:05 All right, welcome. My name is Joel Bork, senior Threat Hunter. Iron net and with me is Greg Clarkson now, we’ve been impacted by a number of unfortunate events. I know it’s a movie series. But this is real world, we’re talking about reavell, who have propagated malware through 1800 plus

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