WisePay Setup Overview
Welcome to WisePay!
Follow the steps below to get your account up and running.
Set Up My WisePay Payer Account
- Click the link in the welcome email. It should take you to this address https://secure2.wise-sync.com/
- Set your password.
- Click Save.
- Confirm your payer details.
- Check the I agre to the terms checkbox and accept the Terms and Conditions.
- Click Register.
- Accept the Terms and Conditions.
- Add your Job Position and Signature where required.
- Click Submit.
- You should now be logged in to WisePay.
- On the toolbar, go to Settings > My Details.
- In order to save a payment method, click on the Companies tab.
- Click on the drop-down icon next to the Add button.
- Select which payment method you want to save (credit card or bank account).
- Add your payment details (bank or credit card).
- Accept the Terms and Conditions.
- Repeat steps 5-6 if you want to save both a bank account and a credit card.
- To configure automatic payments, click on the Companies tab.
- Click on the drop-down icon next to the Add button and select Auto-Pay mapping.
- Select your company from the User Payment Company Access ID drop-down.
- Ensure All Automatic Payment Terms are set for the Auto-Payment Terms ID.
- Select your Primary Payment Method (it is pre-populated if you saved one payment method). This will be the payment method associated to any Automatic Payments you may have (as agreed with your merchant).
- Click I accept the terms for automatic payments checkbox and accept the Terms and Conditions.
- Click Save.
WisePay Dashboard Troubleshooting Guide
Sometimes Payers can experience issues when making payments through the Pay Now portal. There is usually an easy explanation and solve, so please refer to the below list. If you are still experiencing issues making a payment, please contact our Support Team at [email protected].
Cannot Log In
Whether you have forgotten your password, or are a new user to WisePay and haven’t yet completed your Payer Registration, there can be a few different reasons why you are having issues logging into the Pay Now portal:
- Forgot Password: Simply enter the email address associated to your payer record and click Forgot Password. You will then be sent an email with a link to re-set your password.
- New User: If the company you are paying has recently added you as a payer to WisePay, you should have received a “Welcome to WisePay” email with instructions on how to complete your registration. Once this is done, you can login the Pay Now portal to pay an invoice.
To finalize the registration process without following the link in the Welcome to WisePay email, go to WisePay and log in. You should be prompted to accept some WisePay Terms and Conditions. Once these have been accepted, you are able to re-click on the Pay Now link in your invoice to make a payment. Alternatively, you can click on the Pay Invoice action for your Outstanding Invoice inside of WisePay. You can read more about this here.
Unable to Save Payment Method
For new users:
- If the company you are paying has recently added you as a payer to WisePay, you should have received a “Welcome to WisePay” email with instructions on how to complete your registration. Once this is done, you can pay an invoice through the Pay Now portal.
- To finalize the registration process without following the link in the Welcome to WisePay email, go to WisePay and log in. You should be prompted to accept some WisePay Terms and Conditions. Once these have been accepted, you are able to re-click on the Pay Now link in your invoice to make a payment. Alternatively, you can click on the Pay Invoice action for your Outstanding Invoice inside of WisePay. You can read more about this here: How to Pay an Invoice from the WisePay Portal.
Unable to Click Submit Payment
In order to submit your payment:
- You first need to accept any Terms that are displayed (you need to scroll through the Terms text to then be able to click the Accept button below each Term).
- Once the Terms have been accepted and a digital signature is required, you then need to enter your Job Position in the Position field and then use your mouse to enter in a digital signature. You should then be able to click the Submit button.
No Terms are Being Displayed
Sometimes, if you are paying by bank debit but have not selected a scheduled payment date, the bank debit Terms do not display. We are aware of this issue and are looking to fix it as a priority. To fix this, close the Terms pop-up, click on the Schedule button and select a payment date. You can now click on Pay Now and the correct Terms should be displayed.